Explore a colorful 2D cartoon world with the help of the titular Mighty Claw grappling hook, unleash your inner grappler and get ready to swing, spin, grab and throw!
In this game, we wanted to create an environment that allows room for creativity and lets you discover dozens of ways to use your Claw. Whether it’s gaining speed, crossing gaps, chaining swings like crazy, tossing your enemies around or stretching gigantic guinea pigs by pulling their bottoms, the Claw is your number one tool for the task!
Ready to enter the grappling hook playground yet?
Why Did You Make This Game?
The main motivation behind The Mighty Claw was to create a grappling hook game that allows a lot of creative freedom: We didn’t want to restrict the use of Claw only to specific targets. Instead, you can use the Claw on almost anything, whether it’s wall, ceiling, an unsuspecting mad scientist owl or a tornado sneezed out of congested nose.
On top of that, we wanted to make the game easily accessible for players of all skill levels. For beginners, this grappler is easy to pick up and play, and ample time is given to explore the hook mechanics before the difficulty gradually ramps up. Despite being easy to learn, the highly skilled players will definitely find challenge in mastering all the intricacies of the system, perfecting their timing, and coming up with all the tricks you can do with the Claw!
What's the World Like?
The cartoony world of the game is filled with a lot of fascinating stuff to discover, as well as a cast of more or less ridiculous characters. As the village of our young hero gets invaded by a megalomaniac conqueror, his chronically-bored pet elephant and his army of somewhat incompetent totally useless troops, our hero comes across the mysterious Claw. Accompanied by his newly-found power of grappling, our hero sets out on a journey to free different areas occupied by the conqueror.
Where and When Can I Play the Game?
The primary target will be PC, and the full game will be available on Steam. Console releases may follow later on, but they’re not a priority at the moment.
While the demo will lack content compared to the final game, you will be able to try out your grappling skills in a few different levels!
The release of the full game is aimed to be in 2026.